Friday, 15 December 2017

What is Search Engine Spam?

Search engines make billions of dollars each year selling ads. Most search engine traffic goes to the free, organically listed sites. The ratio of traffic distribution is going to be keyword dependent and search engine dependent, but I believe about 85% of Google’s traffic clicks on the organic listings. Most other search engines display ads a bit more aggressively than Google does. In many of those search engines, organic listings get around 70% of the traffic.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Landing Page System: How it works!

Before you attempt to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you would want to start with a rigorous introduction to landing pages. In stark contrast to undifferentiated, unfocused home pages, landing pages focus specifically on capturing leads for a newsletter or making sales for a specific product; so make no attempt to give visitors a different option.

Another common word that is often used to describe landing page, is “squeeze page” (or “lead capture page” in some circles). A squeeze page is a page designed to get names and email addresses.  However, a squeeze page is usually a smaller type of landing page, which usually has an opt-in form in sight when the page loads.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Types of Affiliate Programs.

Today, I’ll be talking about Affiliate Marketing. It is important to note that there are different types of affiliates. The method chosen by the affiliate to promote the advertisers’ products is the key difference. Each of these affiliate types fulfills a different role in terms of value, volume and reach. By understanding affiliates on an individual basis, advertisers will have the knowledge of who is best positioned to deliver in certain industries or to promote particular products.

Content sites and blogs
These types of websites are often focused on a niche interest and feature unique content.  Examples of these include product review sites, blogs and online forums. Often, Content Affiliates form part of an Affiliate Program’s long-tail strategy and are rarely large volume drivers. Regardless of their contribution to overall sales, they are valued partners. The reason for this is that, unique content suggests editorial credibility and often has a positive impact on an advertiser’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

How to Sell Products Produced By Others

We all have hit sites that seem like nothing but a catalogue of stuff being sold. Flashy, blinking banners; bellowing sound, if you allow it. I don't know how they can sell anything. I run quickly without even a thought of looking back. When you are selling products produced by others, let the producer do the selling. (If they can't get it done, you have the wrong producer and product.) All you should do on your site is to recommend the product and you should do so Indirectly, with little fanfare. Look at it this way:

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Learn to win as an internet marketer.

Building a new business or growing one that exists takes lots of hours and plenty of hard work. Most of the newbie webmasters I have met do not seem to understand this. Until they do, there isn't a chance of success in the online marketing world.

If you agree a lot of hard work is involved, and you are willing to do whatever it takes, you have come a very long way. In fact you may be on the verge of leading the wannabe-newbie race. More so, there is one thing that can stop you.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Take your business to the web: The bitter truth

Supposing you have a successful offline business, but no website to support it, you have probably considered building one. Some people may even be chiding you because you have not done so. Despite what you may have heard or others tell you, there is only one valid reason for building a website and that is to increase profits.

To build a site simply to have one, to be able to add to the bottom of your stationery and business cards has a big potential for disaster. I know of two men who went into negotiations: $500/hour types. Successful by any definition you care to apply.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

The Path To Online Success

If you are determined to build a successful online business, here is a plan that works, even if you are a newbie on the Web. The key to it is to take a small step in each of several areas all at the same time.

As long as each step takes you closer to your goal, then there is no hurry at all. That is, you can work with it as time allows. The trick is to avoid any move in the wrong direction, any step that is counterproductive.

The Fundamental Questions:

Begin by asking very specific questions such as:

·        Who will I sell to?
·        What will I sell?
·        How will I sell it?
·        How can a website help get it done?
·        What are my financial goals for this venture?

Saturday, 10 June 2017

How to negotiate contract for the sale of Fine Art Photography.

Today, I’ll be talking on how to negotiate contract for the sale of fine art photography. 
 From a business point of view, a contract is a mutual understanding. Legally, a contract is an enforceable agreement. "Enforceable" is the keyword. We can enter into many agreements in life, but most of them are not enforceable. Here is an example. A client asks you to do some work for him, his budget is low, and your price is high. He then asks you for a price reduction on the work, and he says that he will make it up to you on the next job you do for him.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Work at home personality traits.

It’s not everyone that is cut out for working at home. This takes a lot of organization, discipline and boundary setting in order to accomplish all that needs to be done. Even if you were not born with the necessary work- at- home personality traits, if you want to do it bad enough, you will quickly develop the traits necessary to become successful.

Here are three personality traits that helped me to reach my goal of working from home:

i. A burning desire to work from home: It has to be an all-consuming desire to work from home. It will take that all-out desire to make it happen. There will be obstacles along the way, and at times you will second-guess your decision to work from home, but that strong desire will help to re-focus you and carry you over the hump. Keep in mind that the desire and the actual living your dream may take some time.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Work online: Are you learn-able?

A noticeable trait about successful people working online is that, they are teachable. Be that as it may, it is slightly different on the internet; you have to be learn-able. Can you read, comprehend, seek and learn new concepts? If you want to be successful with a work-at-home or online business, you must become learn-able.

The web is about teaching old dogs (and new ones for that matter) new tricks. According to, teach means “to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in” and to learn means “to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience.” 

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Reasons You Should Start a Blog for Your Business.

It is not a secret that small businesses have so much on their plates when it comes to online marketing. Whether it’s keeping up with social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest or coming up with content for your latest email newsletter, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But starting a blog for your business doesn’t need to be an added burden to your online marketing strategy.

 Creating a blog can help reduce some of your biggest marketing pain points. When you look at the stuff you are already doing on sites like Facebook and Twitter or with your email marketing, isn’t coming up with great content already one of your biggest marketing challenges?

Saturday, 1 April 2017

7 Ways to Make your Content Search Engine Friendly.

Content is surely king, but as a blogger or website owner if people cannot find your great content through search engines, you might have trouble over the long run. Like it or not the majority of the Internet users start their navigation on Google; that is how they find most of the information they are looking for. Don’t get me wrong here, you should write your content with humans in mind first; people that write for search engines exclusively end up having very poor articles that are boring to read.

 That being said, if you are aware of some basic SEO principles you can tweak your articles without affecting their quality. Below you will find 7 ways to make your content more search engine friendly, check it out:

Sunday, 26 March 2017


The subject of how to write online is a large one and this post is only an introduction. All it takes is a quick search on the internet and you'll find a host of books and websites with detailed information on how to write online. I strongly encourage you to take time to study this topic a little further by reading through other related posts on this blog. In the meanwhile, here are a few basic tips:

Write tightly focused articles.
Think about how you read an online article. What are you looking for? Are you looking for a long introduction that goes on forever with a slow and steady build up until you eventually find the information you want? Or, do you want your information front and centre?

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Holistic Content Optimization.

Today, I’ll be talking about content optimization. Due to the lure of the so called “free” traffic and monetary goals, many site owners, webmasters and web marketers succumb to short term strategies and find themselves chasing after the latest “trick” or tactic. Because search engines and traffic opportunities often change, web marketers find themselves in a never- ending loop.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Best practices in blogging business.

 Let’s say you’ve done everything right as a blogger, and you managed to build yourself (through sweat, hard work and dedication) a shiny blog, with lots and lots of traffic. Congratulations! But, you surely must have noticed something: this blogging thing takes an awful lot of time. And as we all know, time is money. So it would make sense to… compensate yourself for all the hours you put into this.

 Hell, if you compensate yourself enough, and do things right, you could enter the ever growing ranks of the pro-bloggers, and forever say goodbye to the 9 to 5 job. In the next few bullets, I’ll try to show you the things I learned in my one year of blogging experience.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Professional photographic community, an avenue to make money.

Today, I'll be talking about the different channels a professional photographer can leverage, to generate income while practicing the art of photography which he is passionate about. The field of professional photography is to a great degree differing, so it is basic to know which territories of photography require assistants and why.

 The accompanying rundown examines ranges with the best potential to use photographic aides. Most would agree that few classifications may apply to a picture taker through the span of a bustling year.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Starting a career in photography.

I strongly believe that photography is a passion and that during one photographer's lifetime the career activities are likely to meld into one another. If you were going to be a doctor, you would need to choose a specialty, such as cardiology or nephrology or psychiatry, and probably devote many years of training to that specialty. 

In all likelihood, you would practice that specialty for the rest of your life. Similarly, if you want to make a lot of money, you might go to business school or law school, but probably not both. After that training, you would go out and have a career "in business" or "in law." Then you'd (hopefully) get old, retire, and then die.

Friday, 24 February 2017

How to generate residual income as a freelance writer.

 Residual writing means you write something once and get paid several times. Depending on the publisher, you could continue to earn money on an article that you have written for the rest of your life without ever touching the article again.

The good thing about residual income is if you accumulate enough articles online and receive residual income on all of them, you can conceivably continue earning without working. The downside is that you will need a large foundation of articles in order to develop a sustainable income. There are the occasional fluke articles that seem to earn right out of the starting gate and other times there are financial duds (although the article is well written and informative, from an earnings standpoint it's a dud).

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

How online articles make money.

Online freelance writing is one of the ways you can make steady and legitimate income online. If you are going to make online freelance writing a career, or even just try to supplement your income, you need to know how online articles earn money. It will be good to know that if you write an article and place it online it earns, but knowing the difference between pay per view or pay per click and up front pay versus residual pay will dictate what you write, where you place it and how often you need to write.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

5 Tips for Writing Quality Blog Content.

As a blogger, the content of your blog is the most vital piece of your site. You ought to write unique content, use keywords that can make your site get indexed easily by search engines; increase your page rank and draw more traffic. Here are the five tips to guide you in creating quality content for your blog to make you stand out from the crowd: 

Sunday, 12 February 2017

What is a “blog” and “blogging”?

This post is meant to help newbie bloggers or those interested in starting a blog and wish to know exactly what it means, and to an extent, understand what blogging is all about.

 A blog (shortened from the phrase “weblog”) is known as many things—a digital magazine, diary, newscast, collector’s meeting place, a showcase for your art, information sharing, teaching hub, place to learn and...well, almost anything you want it to be. A typical blog combines text, images, videos and links to relevant pages and media on the web. Blog readers can leave comments and communicate with the author. In fact, dialogue and interaction are a popular part of a blog’s success.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Best Five Approaches to Affiliate Marketing.

As a new affiliate, one of the first things you would want to know is where and how to
promote your affiliate link. Today we’ll cover several options and discuss the
merits of each method. Let’s get started:

1. Direct Links Through PPC Advertising.

If you use PPC advertising, you can embed your affiliate to the ad and send the
prospect directly to the merchant’s site. This is a lazy thing to do
though. You might make a few sales, but it is far better to approach the process
as outlined in tactic number 2.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Understanding Keyword Density.

I have been discussing keywords in my last three posts and I would like to end the series (on this particular aspect) to give you an understanding of Keyword Density (KD). Keyword density analyzers wind up centring individuals around something that is most certainly not essential. This causes a few people to write contents that looks like a robot wrote it.

 That sort of content won't motivate people to link to it and won't convert well. Some years ago, Dr. Garcia, an information recovery scientist, composed an article about keyword density. His conclusion was "this general proportion [keyword density] tells us nothing about:

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Basic Keyword Problems

If you have been following my last two posts, I have been talking about keywords; what are keywords and keyword selection tips for bloggers and website owners. I will continue today in this series as I’ll be explaining some common keyword problems. There are a couple of basic issues with keyword selection and these include:

• Some individuals use their inward corporate catchphrases as opposed to centering on what individuals really search for.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Keyword Selection Tips for bloggers and website owners.

In my previous post, I explained in details what keywords are, and how to target keywords and use them to beat your competitors as well as to enable you to capture targeted visitors to your site. Today, I’ll be giving you some keyword selection tips for you to utilize in your blog or website to achieve desired results. 

The objective of keywords is to pick terms that will bring well- targeted traffic to your website or blog. Every page on your site can be targeted for a couple of various keyword phrases. Commonly I get a kick out of the chance to simply do around one to two primary phrases and, at most, a few secondary expressions.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

What are Keywords?

Keywords are expressions under which you would need your site to be found in web crawlers. Keywords are usually two-to-five-word phrases you anticipate people to search for, to discover your website. Oftentimes, corporate atmospheres constrain individuals to refer to things utilizing special phrases. Keywords are not about what you call your stuff. Keywords are what the average surfer (or your imminent site guests) may type in a search box.

 Targeting a Keyword

At the point when individuals instruct you to focus on the word "free," they are crazy. That single word is excessively broad and has an excessive amount of competition. I simply did a search on Google for the word "free" and it returned 13,270,000,000 outcomes. That is more than 20% of the web attempting to use the word "free" as a sales pitch. I am not saying that "free" ought not to be on your page; it is a convincing offer on a hefty portion of mine. I am stating that keywords ought to characterize the item or thought. “Free” alone simply does not complete this.

Friday, 6 January 2017

7 valuable Search Engine Optimization tips for Bloggers

Search Engine Optimization – generally abridged to SEO – is the procedure whereby a site, or more specifically a web page or document is developed or amended so as to improve its placement in the Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs. Search engine optimization ought not to be viewed as an end in itself. It is a capacity that ought to be embraced to enhance the general business execution of a website.

Great search engine optimization will guarantee that a page appears higher in the search engine results for a scope of relevant, specific and valuable search terms or queries. The straightforward target of SEO is to generate more valuable web site traffic. 

The accomplishment of a higher ranking against relevant search terms has business esteem for a site since it will pull in more traffic than a lower ranking. In an undeniably crowded online environment, search engine optimization is in this way a pivotal web based marketing discipline.