As a mystery shopper you could go shopping, watch a movie for free, have breakfast, lunch or dinner, enjoy a drink or two, or get a free night in a hotel. You'll get paid for your work and have the opportunity to feel that you can make a difference. What a tough life!
As a mystery shopper you
are a freelance professional who is contracted to pose as
a real shopper in order to
evaluate several aspects of commercial retail
establishments. Among
other aspects, you may be asked to evaluate customer service, product
availability, product pricing, product quality, store cleanliness, website
operations and telephone customer service. After evaluating the business, you
are then required to report their findings to the companies that contracted
So where do you find these opportunities?
Your first step should be
to log onto the internet and start your search there.
In mystery shopping, 99
percent of the available opportunities are found online.
Another source of mystery
shopping companies is the Mystery Shopping Providers
They offer an extensive source of mystery
shopping tools as well as
the opportunity to become certified. Browse their website
and get a feel for what they have to offer.
How do
you apply for the assignments available?
As you browse the listings of the
mystery shopping companies, there is a short
information paragraph, which advises
of the types of shopping scenarios available
from that shopping company. Some of
these mystery shopping companies specialize
in specific industries or type of
shops. Based on the type of mystery shop you are
looking to perform, you can decide if
you want to register with that company or move
on to another company which offers the
type of shop you are looking to complete. In
order to be successful, you will need
to register with dozens of mystery
shopping companies to increase your
likelihood of receiving shopping
opportunities on a regular basis.
To postings
The majority of mystery shopping
assignments are posted online on job boards or
offered to the mystery shoppers who
have signed up with that company via email. In
the posting, you are advised on the
type of mystery shopping assignment, as well as
all the relevant details such as time
frame for completion, general location, type of
mystery shopping and the fee to be paid.
It is imperative that before you sign
up to accept an assignment that you understand
what is required, especially the time
frame for completing and submitting your report.
Many companies will drop you from
their database if you sign up and then cancel a
shop repeatedly. If you are uncertain
about any of the details of the assignment,
including the time frame, you can send
an email, or call the company for clarification.
Keep in mind, however, that many of
the assignments are very competitive and they
go quickly, so by the time you request
additional information, the assignment may be
already awarded to another shopper.
The skill of determining what is required from
an initial posting is something that
comes with experience and after a while, you will become expert at determining
what assignments you are willing to accept and
Much Time Will Each Shop Take?
It depends! Some assignments can be
completed in just a few minutes; others will
take longer, and may even require a
couple of hours or more. For instance, dining at
a fine restaurant may require a time
frame of a couple of hours, in addition to
completing and submitting your report.
You will need to determine how much
time you are willing to spend to complete an
assignment, given the scenario and the
pay being offered. For the lower paying
assignments, you may decide that since
they are so easy and don’t take much time,
you can complete several of these in a
day and still make some good money.
Are Assignments Paid?
You will be paid a
pre-determined rate, agreed upon by your acceptance of the
assignment. On completing
the assignment and submitting your report, you will be
paid in accordance with
the mystery shopping company’s pay schedule.
Payment can range anywhere
from 7 days to 60 days, so it is important for you to
know when you are
scheduled to be paid, and to keep accurate records of the
assignments and expected
pay date.
Some companies are moving
to online payments using Paypal, and with this option,
you receive your pay even
faster. It is a good idea to sign up for a Paypal account to
expedite your pay, and
eliminate some of the delays in waiting for the cheque to arrive,
or deal with lost or
delayed cheques. You can get a free paypal account by visiting .
What Is Merchandising And How Is It Different From Mystery
Merchandising can be a
lucrative additional source of income for a mystery shopper.
Many mystery shopping
companies also post listings for merchandising.
A merchandiser is hired or
contracted to visit a retail store and is responsible to
ensure that the manufacturer's
line of products, whether it be clothing, groceries,
toys, etc. is well
The merchandiser keeps the displays
clean and tidy, takes inventory and restock the products, and in the case of
promotions, they are responsible for assembling and
setting up the promotional displays,
placing coupons, assembling equipment,
removing product recalls and keeping
the display well stocked.
Merchandising assignments can take
anywhere from 1-2 hours to complete,
although depending on the number of
products and the display requirements, it can
take longer. Some mystery shoppers
have decided after doing these assignments
that they prefer to do merchandising rather than mystery
shopping and do very well as merchandisers. Others do both merchandising and mystery
shopping and enjoy the variety of these assignments.
Who Can
Be A Mystery Shopper?
Mystery Shoppers are
Independent Contractors and they can be virtually anyone.
They can be old, young,
slim or overweight, well heeled or strapped for cash.
They are stay at home moms
and dads, retirees, students, full and part time
employees, people with
disabilities; in short, just about anyone, aged eighteen or
over can be a mystery
The reality is that
mystery shoppers from all walks of life are needed. Some mystery
shopping companies are
even now starting to recruit disabled mystery shoppers.
An effective mystery
shopper has the ability to blend in with typical customers at the
assigned location and be
observant and detailed while acting as a normal customer
of a Successful Mystery Shopper:
Mystery shopping is a business and
needs to be taken seriously. You do need to
posses a few characteristics like
being dependable, professional and observant, and
you need to be able to act as a real
shopper. No specific experience is required, but
you must be anonymous, dependable,
detail oriented and accurate in your reporting.
Of course, you need to have reliable
transportation to conduct your shops and writing well and being able to
separate your findings from your opinion are also important.
Mystery Shoppers must remain anonymous
at all times. You must act as a regular
customer and be careful not to do
anything that would reveal you as a shopper. An
inexperienced shopper could tip off
the staff to his/her identity by asking for the
manager's name for no clear or
appropriate reason, just because it is a requirement
of their shopping assignment.
You must never bring any of the
shopping survey forms or questionnaires onto the
premises with you. An employee could
spot them or you could misplace them, which
would compromise your identity as a
If you are going to be bringing
someone with you on the shop, (if allowed), make sure you educate them about
the process as well and what behaviours are expected of them... Beware that
even whispers can be overheard by employees.
When on your mystery shopping
assignment, always blend in to look like typical
customer. Don’t do anything to bring
attention to yourself, either in word, dress, or
Never reveal yourself as a
shopper -Always ask “what’s that” or something to that effect, if you’re asked
if you’re a mystery shopper. If anyone suspects that you
are a shopper, you can bet the word
will quickly spread around the establishment
and you'll get some of the best customer service in town.
You must be absolutely accurate and
willing to back up any thing that you submit in
your report. If you are unsure of
something, do not include it. If one point is
inaccurate, your entire report may not
be accepted as valid. It is not unheard of for a
report to be disputed by the employees
being shopped. Some will try to discredit
your report, so you must be 100
percent accurate.
Always back up your answers with
facts. Facts must be supported, with
especially “no” answers or you won’t
get paid, which is a waste of your valuable time.
In addition to not getting paid, the
assignment must be re-assigned and completed by someone else. If you mark that
an employee was not in proper uniform, describe
exactly what they were wearing and how
it differed from other employees. If you
mark that a food item was not served
as ordered, describe exactly how the menu
described it and what you were
actually served.
Submit details for all NO answers and
describe many of the important YES answers.
Report on any inconsistencies among
staff and guests. Be sure your comments do
not contradict the answers on your
You must be sure to visit the correct
locations – Verify the address on your
assignment sheet and on arrival at the
Patience – Patience is a definite
requirement as you may need to wait to meet with a
certain person or persons in order for
your shop to be considered valid. You need to
allow yourself enough time to complete
the assignment correctly.
All information received in the course of your
mystery shopping assignment is confidential – do not any details share with
anyone else. As a mystery shopper, youare under contract and a professional.
Treat the information you receive as
confidential and proprietary.
You must complete the assignment yourself
sending someone else to complete your
assignment and submitting it under your
name is unethical, unlawful and if you
are found out you will be dropped from the
companies’ database. The word will get
around, and soon you will find that it’s
almost impossible to get assignments
as your reputation precedes you.
Never, ever divulge any information
regarding a shopping assignment to anyone at
any time. This includes what business
you shopped and for what shopping company.
This is a cornerstone of your mystery
shopping business and must be adhered to at
all times.
Great Budgeting Skills
In addition to budgeting your time,
you also need to be able to budget your money
wisely and determine what assignments
you will take and how they fit your time and
budget schedule.
Comfortable Using the Internet
The majority of shopping assignments
are found, assigned and submitted on line. In
order to be a successful shopper, you
need to be familiar and comfortable using the
internet, and be able to download the
assignment details and attach files for
submitting your reports.
Excellent Time Management Skills
Yes, mystery shopping can be fun and
rewarding, however, you need to manage
your time wisely so you are not
running all over town on many days of the week or
month. Determine what assignments you
will take, the minimum amount of money
you will accept on an assignment, and
plan your schedule so you can schedule
assignments in the same area at the
same time.
It is imperative that you keep track
of when your assignments are due, and avoid, if
you can, doing assignments on the last
day of the assignment schedule, ( in case of
an emergency which prevents you from
completing the assignment) since most
shopping assignments give you a few
days to complete them.
Detailed Oriented
You must be observant and detail
oriented, noticing and reporting on things the
average customer may not notice. You
are being paid to perform an assignment and
must make every effort to be detailed
in your observations and reporting. You must
review your paperwork before doing
your shop, so you know exactly what is required
on the assignment and what you need to
report on. You should always be familiar
with your form prior to your
Remember that a good report
(especially the comments or narrative) tells a story
about your experience. Whether
positive or negative, your report should be able to
convey what took place at the
location. Your comments should include explanations
to backup why you may have given
negative responses to certain questions.
Observation is a matter of skill and
although it is one of those skills everyone
possesses, not everyone is equally
perceptive. As professional mystery shopper,
you must be a master of observation.
Mystery Shoppers must train themselves in the
art of detailed observation. Their
senses must be acute and their memory sharp.
They must be able to understand how to
really look at the environment they enter, to
absorb information and to mentally
record details that may later need to be recalled.
A dis-organized mystery shopper is one
who is looking to fail. You must be
organized in your time, your
assignments and your reporting schedules. Many
assignments require that you submit
your reports within 12-24 hours after completing
the assignment and a sure way to
forfeit your pay is to miss the required deadline.
Get a calendar, organizer, email
calendar or whatever it takes to make sure that you
remain organized and on top of your
mystery shopping requirements.
Don’t become complacent. Sometimes you
are performing the same scenario at
multiple locations and think that
since you are familiar, you do not need to review
your assignment details. Avoid this
thinking at all costs, since assignment details do
change and as a professional mystery
shopper, you are responsible for knowing what you are required to observe on
each assignment.
Only accept assignments you know you
can complete and submit on time. Your shop reports must be entered online
within the specified time after the shop has been completed. Any reports
received after that time may be denied compensation. If you have any questions
or problems with the assignment, or evaluation report, make sure you contact
the company immediately.
As a professional mystery shopper; you
will want to make sure that you submit
reports that are not only factual and
detailed, but logical, and well written with correct
grammar and spelling. It does not need
to be a literary masterpiece, but you must
commit to producing and submitting
detailed and well written reports. There are
literally thousands of mystery
shoppers, but very few who are dependable and can
deliver the detailed and accurate
reports which are required. This is one of the
qualities that will endear you to the
mystery shopping company and put you at the
head of the class for other shopping
Be committed to complete the
assignment on time. When you apply for and accept
an assignment, the mystery shopping
company and the client they are representing
are expecting you to complete that
assignment on time and in the manner requested.
By accepting an assignment, you are
committing yourself to perform, and the
company which has removed that
assignment from others who are interested, are
depending on you to keep that
Of course, there are emergencies which
may make it impossible to complete the job
in the required time frame and that’s understandable,
however, it is not acceptable to
accept assignments you know you cannot
complete on time, or complete marginally.
Your reputation will really suffer if
you accept assignments and not complete them in
the required time. This is also where
being organized comes into play, as you will
make sure that you do not wait until
the last date of the time frame to complete the
shop. Always try to complete the
assignment early where possible, to give yourself
some flexibility in case of an
emergency. Your word is your bond; make sure you
complete your assignments on time.
Just the facts -- Mystery Shopping is
the most accurate and reliable tool a business
can use to gather information
regarding their actual customer service performance at
the "moment of truth". This
"moment of truth" is not when the staff is on their best
behavior because the boss is around -
it is when they interact with customers during
their normal daily routines.
This is where you, the Mystery
Shopper, come in. You provide feedback of factual
and objective observations during your
assignment. Don’t involve your emotions
unless requested.-As a reporter, which
you are as a mystery shopper, you report on
the facts unless you are specifically
asked to give your opinions.
Professional Mystery Shoppers are
responsible for reviewing and understanding the
scenarios well enough to improvise
when necessary during an assignment. A
Mystery Shopper role-plays the
scenarios according to what they feel is normal
behaviour. For example, scenario
questions should not be stated word-for-word. They should be asked using the
personal conversational style of the shopper. If a shopper is found to be out
of compliance with a scenario, the evaluation could be rejected, the mystery
shopper’s rating negatively affected and the shopper’s ability to accept future
assignment could be jeopardized.
When you, as a professional mystery
shopper accept and conduct an assignment,
the company you represent expects
professional behaviour. Regardless of what your
feelings may be about the client
company and/or the products the company sells, you are required to demonstrate
a positive, optimistic and enthusiastic interest in the
company as a whole.
Professional mystery shoppers build
their professional Image and stand out from the
crowd.. Mystery shopping companies and
their schedulers like to work with shoppers
who take their work seriously and act
professionally. All communications with mystery shopping companies should be
businesslike with the use of proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Save and
document all of your work and confirmation submissions, according to the
company requirements.
Some companies require that you retain
your reports and confirmations for 30, 60 or
even 90 days.
Respond promptly when you are contacted. Most
importantly, do
what you say you will do. Improve your
skills. Consider obtaining certification to become a more educated shopper and
to demonstrate your commitment to being a professional. If necessary, take a
grammar or business writing course to improve your reporting skills.
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