Wednesday, 14 December 2016

How to set up a free blogger account.

Blogger is one of the most popular blog creation tools found online to date. It is also one of the easiest to use with little worry about learning a whole new scripting language. Almost everything is handled automatically for you. Follow these simple steps to create your free blogger account and start blogging instantly:

Step 1: Go to or

 Step 2: If you have a Gmail account, enter your Gmail address and password, then click the “Sign in” button on the page. If you don’t have a Google account, click on the “Sign Up” button. You will
see a page where you will create a Google account which you will use for your blog and other Google services. Fill the form accordingly. If you sign in successfully or succeeded in creating your new Google account, you will
be logged into the Blogger dashboard. Click on the “New Blog” button.

Step 3: After clicking on “New Blog” as indicated above, you will see something like this:

 Title: This will be seen at the top of your blog and should be relevant to what you plan to be posting on the blog. For instance,  if you want to be talking about tips on making money online, then you can give it a title like “Money Making Secrets”. You have to be creative.

Address: Keep your address similar to your title (as above). can suggest addresses for you. If the address you entered is not available, you will be prompted to enter another one. Make sure the .com, .net, .org and other extensions of the address you chose is not already taken. You can confirm this by entering www.youraddress. com into your browser and see if it will bring up any web page. Ensure uniqueness. If you prefer having a .com address instead of a address for your new blog, do not worry. You can create and add the custom domain later.

Template: Here, you can choose any template you like. It doesn’t really matter which template you choose, you can always change it at a later date. Once you have chosen your template,  you can click on the “Create Blog” button.

Step 4: After clicking on “Create Blog”, you should see a notification that your blog has been created successfully. Your Blog is now created! Click on “Start Posting” as seen in the screenshot below:

Step 5: After clicking “Start Blogging”, you will see the “Post Editor” as seen below:

 Enter the title of your post (this is what your post will be about) and enter the content of your post as seen in the picture above. You can edit whatever you type there at anytime. Take note of the “Preview” button, the “Publish” button and the “Save” button.

The “publish” button publishes your post to the web.
The “Preview” button enables you to preview what your blog post will look like once published.
The “Save Now” button saves your composed post as draft.

If you look at the right-hand side of the page, you should see the “Post Settings” as seen in the picture below:

Labels: This is where you set the category of your post. As an example, if your post is “How to create a blog”, you can enter “blogging tips” in the “labels” box and when you write another post maybe on “How to make money online”, then, you can  enter “money making tips” inside the box. You can change the label of your post anytime you want.

Schedule: This is where you can set your post to be published on a future date and time. If you select “Set date and time” below, you can choose a date and time on a calendar for your post to be automatically published.

Once you've selected a new date and time, be sure to click Done, then PublishDon't worry -- your post will only publish at the date and time that you've determined in the settings. Still under “Post Settings”, you can ignore the “Location” while you can enable and disable comments via “Options”.

Once you are through writing your post, click on the “Publish” button. You just created your first blog post. This is the same way you will be creating posts whenever you want to add new posts to the blog. Whenever you want to write a new post, log in to and click on the "New Post" tab or the pen tab seen in the picture below:

Clicking the "New Post" tab will open the "Post Editor". 

You can now enjoy blogging on your free blogger account. Happy blogging!

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