Sunday, 28 May 2017

Work online: Are you learn-able?

A noticeable trait about successful people working online is that, they are teachable. Be that as it may, it is slightly different on the internet; you have to be learn-able. Can you read, comprehend, seek and learn new concepts? If you want to be successful with a work-at-home or online business, you must become learn-able.

The web is about teaching old dogs (and new ones for that matter) new tricks. According to, teach means “to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in” and to learn means “to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience.” 

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Reasons You Should Start a Blog for Your Business.

It is not a secret that small businesses have so much on their plates when it comes to online marketing. Whether it’s keeping up with social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest or coming up with content for your latest email newsletter, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But starting a blog for your business doesn’t need to be an added burden to your online marketing strategy.

 Creating a blog can help reduce some of your biggest marketing pain points. When you look at the stuff you are already doing on sites like Facebook and Twitter or with your email marketing, isn’t coming up with great content already one of your biggest marketing challenges?