Saturday, 14 October 2017

Types of Affiliate Programs.

Today, I’ll be talking about Affiliate Marketing. It is important to note that there are different types of affiliates. The method chosen by the affiliate to promote the advertisers’ products is the key difference. Each of these affiliate types fulfills a different role in terms of value, volume and reach. By understanding affiliates on an individual basis, advertisers will have the knowledge of who is best positioned to deliver in certain industries or to promote particular products.

Content sites and blogs
These types of websites are often focused on a niche interest and feature unique content.  Examples of these include product review sites, blogs and online forums. Often, Content Affiliates form part of an Affiliate Program’s long-tail strategy and are rarely large volume drivers. Regardless of their contribution to overall sales, they are valued partners. The reason for this is that, unique content suggests editorial credibility and often has a positive impact on an advertiser’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.